Rattray Marsh Uproot Uprise

Rattray Marsh Uproot Uprise is an invasive species removal event that Credit Valley Conservation has been hosting for many years. We ask volunteers to join us for a morning of invasive species pulling. Typically, garlic mustard, honeysuckle, and buckthorn are the target species for removal. We remove the species by hand and using a tool called an Extractigator.

Do your part to control the spread of ‘natural space’ invaders and keep Rattray Marsh healthy. Together we will remove garlic mustard, common buckthorn and other invasive species that are choking out the native plants that wildlife depend on.

Dress for the weather, wear long pants and sturdy boots or shoes.

Please note that registration won't open until early May, pending COVID restrictions. At that time, please check our link and find the event in our Events Calendar to register.

Primary Activity: Invasive species treatment
Accessibility: Easy walk
Family Friendly

Organizer Details
Rattray Marsh Protection Association

Organizer: Credit Valley Conservation (Website)
Partners: Rattray Marsh Protection Association

COVID Protocols

CVC has a stringent COVID-19 policy and Outdoor Programming Guideline to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We follow local Health Unit guidelines to ensure participants remain safe. Masks are strongly encouraged, and required when physical distancing is not possible. We disinfect all tools before and after the event, and a personal set of gloves are provided for each participant.

Registration & Contact Info

Registration: https://cvc.ca/about-cvc/events-calendar/

Name: Lindsey Jennings
Email: lindsey.jennings@cvc.ca
City: Mississauga
Country: Canada

Date & Time

June 5, 2021 @ 9:30 am
Local timezone


Location: Rattray Marsh Conservation Area
City: Mississauga
Country: Canada
Region: North America